Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Myomectmy Surgery,myomectomy Surgery India,myomectomy Cost India Delhi...

Myomectmy Surgery

 Many women have benign tumors in their uterus called myomata uteri or fibroids. These myoma may be silently present and cause no problems. In many women, however, fibroids can cause excessive and frequent menstrual periods, pelvic pain, infertility, and recurrent pregnancy loss.

Severe anaemia can result from excessive uterine bleeding. Other symptoms can include pelvic pressure on the woman's bladder or rectum which may result in frequent urination or constipation. Some women will experience pain during sexual intercourse (due to an enlarged uterus).

What is a Myomectomy?

Myomectomy is a procedure in which uterine fibroids are surgically removed from the uterus. Uterine fibroids (also known as myomas) affect 30% of women. While many fibroids do not need treatment, others can cause abnormal uterine bleeding, pressure, pain, or other symptoms.

Removing the entire uterus (hysterectomy) is frequently done to treat fibroids, but many women are looking for alternatives to hysterectomy if they wish to have children or simply do not want to lose their uterus. Unfortunately, many gynecologists are hesitant to recommend myomectomy. As with any procedure, there are both advantages and disadvantages to myomectomy. This site will provide information to help you make an informed decision.

Who benefits from a Myomectomy?

Myomectomy should be performed when infertility is an issue and you have not been able to get pregnant or hold onto a pregnancy because of the presence of uterine fibroids. If you don't happen to want a hysterectomy you are just plain out of luck because myomectomy is for women who want to get pregnant. Well, not exactly.
Fibroidremoval surgery India , HysteroscopyIndia

1 comment:

  1. Infertility has become a threatening problem worldwide. The number of people unable to conceive a baby is alarmingly increasing, reducing the birth rate in many countries. It can be treated by either medication or by surgeries. Many times it is caused by diseases, and experienced Surgeons in India can determine it and correct it efficiently. There are various conditions that give rise to infertility in both men and women. Some conditions of women include Endometriosis where the uterine lining that sheds monthly grows outside the uterus, Ovulation problems where hormonal problems restrain the ovary to release a mature egg, even the quality of the developed egg matters. In men there are conditions like Male tube blockages where there is an obstruction for fertile sperm to pass. These blockages may be caused by sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Also low sperm counts and abnormal shaped sperms can cause infertility in men. Both women and men have sperm allergies where they get immune to sperm which results in the killing of sperm cells. Myomectomy surgery India
    Myomectomy surgery India
