Friday, 9 November 2012

Go for ACL Reconstruction surgery in India.

        We Care India makes a needful patients ACL reconstruction surgery very simple and easy to understand with our fully inclusive package offering total care, surgery, physiotherapy and pick and drop from the airport. We will arrange flights and wheelchair assistance for the innocent and treatment needy patients and makes their treatment a memorable throughout their life. Having the industry’s most elaborate and dedicated Patient Care and Clinical Coordination teams placed at each partner hospital, we offer you the smoothest and hassle free care ever imagined. With a ratio of one Patient Care Manager to five patients our patient care standards are unbeatable across the sub continent.
     The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the pillar or major stabilizing ligament of the knee. The ACL is located in the center of the knee joint and runs from the thigh bone to the tibia  through the center of the knee.This is a crux or basis for this body region In this position, it functions to prevent a buckling type of instability of the knee.
ACL reconstruction is surgery to replace the ligament in the center of your knee with a new ligament. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) keeps your shin bone  in place. A tear of this ligament can cause your knee to give way during physical activity.

Why It Is Done:

The goal of ACL surgery is to restore normalcy or almost normal stability in the knee and the level of function you had before the knee injury or damage , limit loss of function in the knee, and prevent injury or degeneration to other knee structures.
Not all ACL tears require surgery. You and your doctor will decide whether rehabilitation (rehab) only or surgery plus rehab is right for you.
You may choose to have surgery if you:
  • Have completely torn your ACL or have a partial tear and your knee is very unstable.
  • Have gone through a rehab program and your knee is still unstable.
  • Are very active in sports or have a job that requires knee strength and stability (such as construction work), and you want your knee to be as strong and stable as it was before your injury.
  • Are willing to complete a long and rigorous rehab program.
  • Have chronic ACL deficiency that is affecting your quality of life.
  • Have injured other parts of your knee, such as the cartilage or meniscus, or other knee ligaments or tendons.
You may choose not to have surgery if you:
  • Have a minor tear in your ACL (a tear that can heal with rest and rehab).
  • Are not very active in sports and your work does not require a stable knee.
  • Are willing to stop doing activities that require a stable knee or stop doing them at the same level of intensity. You may choose to substitute other activities that don't require a stable knee, such as cycling or swimming.
  • Can complete a rehab program that stabilizes your knee and strengthens your leg muscles to reduce the chances that you will injure your knee again and are willing to live with a small amount of knee instability.
  • Do not feel motivated to complete the long and rigorous rehab program necessary after surgery.
  • You have medical problems that make surgery too risky.
There are several options available when treating an ACL injury. The most common treatment is to replace your native ACL with a new ligament. Typically, the new ligament material (graft) can be taken from one of the patient's own tendons (auto graft), or the graft can be taken from a tendon in the knee of a tissue donor (allograft). You and your doctor will decide which option is best for your particular situation.
ACL Reconstruction is usually performed as an outpatient procedure and rarely requires an overnight stay in the hospital. The entire procedure requires approximately 1-2 hours to complete and is typically performed under general anesthesia, spinal or epidural.
ACL Reconstruction is most often performed arthroscopic ally. Arthroscopy is a surgical technique that uses long tube-like scopes that are inserted into the body through very small incisions. These scopes display the inside of your knee joint on a monitor, allowing the surgeon to precisely manipulate the surgical instruments. The benefits of arthroscopic surgery are a shorter recovery period, smaller incisions (one-quarter to one-half inch in length), minimal scarring, and less potential for infection.
The ACL Reconstruction procedure creates tunnels in the thigh bone (femur) and the shin bone (tibia) to make a path for the new graft (tendon). One of the most common graft used is the semi-tendon sis/gracilis graft. This graft is taken from a portion of the muscles in the thigh. The graft is passed through specially designed instruments into the tunnels and fixed inside the tunnels. The new graft is fixed inside the tunnels with screws, buttons, pins, or similar devices. Some of those devices are made out of materials that resorb or dissolve with time and are replaced with bone by the body. The graft crosses the joint in the position as the original ACL after it is fixed with these devices. The small incisions are then closed and a knee compression bandage is applied. Some surgeons prefer to use a long leg brace postoperatively.

What To Expect After Surgery:

Arthroscopic surgery is often done on an outpatient basis, which means that you do not spend a night in the hospital. Other surgery may require staying in the hospital for a couple of days.
To care for your incision while it heals, you need to keep it clean and dry and watch for signs of infection.
Physical rehabilitation after ACL surgery may take several months to a year. The length of time until you can return to normal activities or sports is different for every person. It may range from 4 to 6 months.

Having the industry's most elaborate and exclusive Patient Care and Clinical Coordination teams stationed at each partner hospital, we provide you the smoothest and seamless care ever imagined. With a ratio of one Patient Care Manager to five patients our patient care standards are unmatched across the sub continent.
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About Author:
This is Pankaj Nagpal,I am working in a Medical Domain. My hobbies writing Medical and Knee Replacement Knee Replacement related Article and doing research in Medical Domain. Please reach me on including endocarditis.

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